Taxi Licence Offences

Having penalty points on a driving licence can be serious for many people but for taxi drivers it can result in the end of their livelihood.

Kellocks have experience of representing taxi drivers and are familiar with the number of rules and regulations that apply to taxi drivers and also the vehicles that they drive.

If you are a taxi driver at risk of a disqualification from driving under the totting-up provisions, then we can assist and put forward mitigating circumstances on your behalf.

Kellocks also have experience of appealing decisions in relation to taxi licences themselves.

If you are a professional driver and your driving licence is at risk then please contact Kellocks now for professional expert advice.

We have represented many taxi drivers who have found that the allegations they face meet both the interests of justice test and also they are financially eligible for free representation in the Magistrates Court.

Contact us now and we can provide you with expert advice regarding Legal Aid eligibility or a fixed fee to provide representation.