Anti-Social Behaviour Injunctions
An Injunction can be granted against any person aged 10 or over if two conditions are met:-
a) The Court is satisfied on the balance of probabilities that the person has engaged or threatens to engage in anti-social behaviour and;
b) The Court considers it just and convenient to grant the Injunction to prevent the person engaging in anti-social behaviour.
A number or organisations can apply for an Injunction typically the Police, a Local Authority or a Housing provider.
Injunction can be wide ranging and impose serious restrictions on your liberty.
If you face an application for Anti-Social Behaviour Injunction then please contact Kellocks immediately. Our specialist team, led by Ivan Dickinson, have significant experience in this area.
We may be able to enter into negotiations to make the order less onerous or indeed avoid it altogether.
Whilst the procedure for applying for Legal Aid for those at the receiving end of an Injunction application can be difficult, complicated and means tested, we can guide you through this process and have successfully applied for Legal Aid for many people in this regard.
In the event that you are not financially eligible for Legal Aid, we can represent you for a fixed fee. Contact us now for expert representation.